So, it's July. I'm seeing a fall set-up in 90+ degree weather in most Florida chain stores. I can't even fathom the idea of a sweater or boot right now. I still have a sunburn from watering my thirsty lawn. However, this is far from what excites me about this time of year. It's the geekery involved in school supply shopping, and the excitement of having the boys back in school. Since as far back as I can recall, I have always LOVED the prep work of back to school. Not the actual going to school and mingling with mortals of a different kind than I, but just the good stuff, the pens and pencils, and the backpacks and the gadgets. Ah. Browsing the halls of an Office Depot still bring back that childish excitement. Now that both of my boys are going to school (James in Pre-k, and Aiden in Kindergarten) I get to do twice the school shopping (double whammy). FUN. So, I've browsed. I've done my homework and have searched for all the deals. I've read the reviews....